Kyziel Morales – Cold Call Scammer – Employers Beware

This is an informational site to educate business owners in danger of being targeted by a scammer called Kyziel Morales, who solicits money in advance for bogus cold calling services. She lies in order to get upfront payments for work that is never carried out. She will not pay the money back as she regularly also promises to do. Do not hire her. Do not give her money in advance – she will lie to get it. She claims to be unemployed, yet she also claims elsewhere to be working full time:



A money request, one of several that I was trusting enough to pay, received June 11 2022, promising to pay me back on the July 5 2022 ( which also constitutes an IOU ). Also of note is a solemn promise that this would be the last time she would ask me for money.


Unfortunately, it didn’t last long – June 12 2022, the very next day after she promised not to ask for any more money, she sent a further request of $150. Again, she promised to pay the money back in full ( $500 in total by this stage ) by the end of June.. It is now October 10 and she still hasn’t paid back one penny. She also refused to work off the debt with the excuse that her computer is broken.